Please note: The
NMChecker project is now open source. But that doesn't mean I will go on
with developing NMChecker... You can view the Project home page
Full feature list
Forum list maintenance
Forum options
Active/inactive forum
Play a sound if there are new messages
Unlimited number of FavTopics
Make your personal mix of popups
Take different actions by clicking on popup
Set default browser to open new messages
etc. (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera)
Use static/dynamic interval (interval etc.
is user-definable)
Change the appearance, speed, height, width,
etc. of popup
'Replies per page' option ensures always the
last page is opened
'Add more at once' wizard gives you the
opportunity to select some topics/forums from a downloaded topiclist/forumlist
and add them to your FavTopics/Ignored topics/Ignored subforums list
Ignore messages (excluding)
Kind (new topic/new post/changed FavTopic?)*
Unlimited number of tags (= first part of
topic title, such as '[PMG]')**
Replies (topics with less/more replies than
relevant value are ignored)
Unlimited number of topic IDs (certain
Unlimited number of topic starters
Unlimited number of last repliers
Unlimited number of subforums***
* Only be ignored in popup.
** Including 'ignoring'.
*** Only available on whole forums.
Advanced details
Details about new messages: kind, subforum,
topic ID, title, topic starter, last poster, replies, last post, are
available in this screen
Open and remove individual new messages
Quickly add topics from this screen to the
FavTopics list
Quickly add topics from this screen to the
Ignored topics list
Quickly add last repliers of topics from
this screen to the Ignored last replier list
Quickly add topic starters of topics from
this screen to the Ignored topic starter list
Advanced logging of the application and each
Ability to save the log automatically to
hard disk
Ability to limit the file size of a log on
hard disk
General options
Change the location of the forum file
Several tray icon options, such as disable
the tray icon
Automatically check for updates on load
Set the window always on top
Browser integration
NMChecker can integrate in Internet
Explorer. So, you can quickly add topics to your FavTopics or Ignored
topics list.
Ability to add a 'Add this topic to your
FavTopics' option to context menu
Ability to add a 'Add this topic to Ignored
topics' option to context menu
Ability to add a 'Add this topic to your
FavTopics' option to toolbar
Ability to add a 'Add this topic to Ignored
topics' option to toolbar
Auto update
NMChecker can automatically check for
available updates
If there are updates available, NMChecker
shows readme and version of update
Download and install updates automatically
Advanced controlling of forums in your forum
list: Start, stop, renew and initialize
Help system includes much information to
learn NMChecker